Eco-friendly Petrifilm Listeria Plates

Eco-friendly Petrifilm Listeria Plates Product details

Eco-friendly Petrifilm Listeria Plates Product by:
3m Technologies (s) Pte Ltd

The growing customer demand for high-quality fruit and vegetables anywhere in the world created Sustainable Product quality issues and increase regulatory pressure for fast and effective testing practices in the industry.

Evaluation of testing practices are done regularly by fruit and vegetable processors to ensure the conformity of their chosen program with regulatory standards. Testing methods should also be fast, accurate and cost effective.

One of 3M's best known food safety products for pathogen and toxin testing is this Eco-friendly Petrifilm Listeria Plates. Mainly use by the fruit and vegetable industry to detect presence of indicator Listeria.

This also provides quantitative results of Listeria species taken from environmental samples. Fast detection in only 29 hours with no complex step required.

Eco-friendly Petrifilm Listeria Plates is composing of a sample-ready culture medium that contains nutrients, selective agents, a cold water-soluble gelling agent and a chromogenic indicator.

This facilitates easy detection of the majority of Listeria and analyze environmental samples to help increase the  efficiency of monitoring plant sanitation.

Please use the Contact form on the right for Eco-friendly Petrifilm Listeria Plates information and ordering.

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