Sustainable DPH-Series Pedestal

Sustainable DPH-Series Pedestal Product details

Sustainable DPH-Series Pedestal Product by:
Buzon Asia Pte Ltd

Sustainable DPH-Series Pedestal offers the advantage of its adjusting ring, incorporated from model DPH-5 upwards, and its slope corrector, incorporated into all pedestals from model DPH-4 upwards.

The quality of the materials means that they will withstand the harshest extremes of weather and UV radiation, as well as giving extraordinary stability.

This Sustainable Product is adjustable from 35 to 860 mm.

The PH5 slope corrector (0-5%) and numerous fixing accessories are available to support all types of structures, and can be used on all models from DPH0 to DPH3.

BUZON range comprises of 3 types of sustainable pedestal according to the field of application desired by the architect or designer.

In addition, several Sustainable DPH-Series Pedestal accessories are available to allow the pedestals to be secured to all types of materials such as decking, tiles, board, pipes and utility ducts.

Please use the Contact form on the right for Sustainable DPH-Series Pedestal information and ordering.

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