Organic Radiant Facial Mask

Organic Radiant Facial Mask Product details

Organic Radiant Facial Mask Product by:
Aarush Naturals

Introducing a completely Organic cleansing mask to effectively reduce your dark spots, pigmentation, acne and dead skin cells. It has been known to whiten skin complexion, correct texture and clear up uneven skin tone in just a few days of use.

With its all natural ingredients of neem leaves, citrus lime peel and orange peel there is no doubt that common skin problems like itchiness and eczema will go away in no time. For that brighter, firmer skin with a cleaner and fresher youthful glow everyday use Organic Radiant Facial Mask.

Organic Radiant Facial Mask comes in a SUPER SAVER BUNDLE of 30G + 15G Bottle Pack. Avail of this ORGANIC LIMITED SET now and achieve that healthy, even and balanced skin that screams beauty in every way.

Estimate Usage:

15g gives you estimate 5 times face mask use

30g gives you estimate 10 times face mask use

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