Organic Farming and Manufacturing

Organic Farming and Manufacturing Product details

Organic Farming and Manufacturing Product by:
Tpassion Ltd

TPASSION provides garment manufacturing, custom printing and fulfilment services from our downtown Hong Kong factory. TPASSION cuts, sews and prints all garments in our in-house facilities in either Hong Kong or Chinas, and manages all stages of textile manufacturing from cotton fields, spinning, knitting, dyeing mills to ensure all partners are participating in responsible manufacturing processes.

TPASSION is fully committed to organic farming in rural China, India and Turkey. The partnership formed between TPASSION and an Agricultural company Mecilla Limited is one of the industry's innovations, allowing our customers to directly impact the lives of rural China through purchasing of our product, participating in our rural-urban exchange programmes.

TPASSION drives local HK sustainable manufacturing in partnership with local design schools and students, making once-obsolete manufacturing in HK a golden opportunity for designers, sewers, printing operators, merchandisers a new way to contribute to a more sustainable world of fashion.

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