Human Being Living and Sustainable Development

Human Being Living and Sustainable Development Product details

Human Being Living and Sustainable Development Product by:
Beijing Climate Center (bcc)

Climate change has become one of the central problems concerning human being living and national sustainable development, it has aroused great concerns of international community, all governments and the public in the world.

With the endeavours in the past eight years, NCC has developed into a national operational and research centre of climate in China, involving climate monitoring and diagnosis, climate prediction, climate impact assessment as well as climate change. At present time, NCC had qualified capability and function as a WMO/ regional climate centre. Therefore, CMA has made decision to set up Beijing Climate Centre (BCC) in March 2013 so as to fulfil duty best.

Our Post-Graduate Education Programme is the Co-operative agreement on jointly running postgraduate program and first-class doctorate station for atmospheric science at the Lanzhou University between the Lanzhou University and the National Climate Centre is signed in Lanzhou.

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