Green Business Seal

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Green Business Seal Product by:
E-bann Electric Bicycles

Confused which bicycle to buy? Choose e-Bann electric bicycle.

E-Bann is an ambitious young Hong Kong company that was born from a love for electric Bicycles and a hunger for change. Our motto is: Don't sell anything you wouldn't ride! With this motto in our mind, we pursue our goal: to help the ambitious urbanite worldwide move around the town by electric bicycle in style.

We produce an environmentally friendly bicycles for those who likes to bike. Electric bikes don't have tailpipes belching poisonous fumes into the atmosphere. They also eliminate the oil, fuel and hydraulic fluids dripped by automobiles onto the road surface - which means less toxic runoff into local waterways.

For this reason, we proudly say that we are one of some companies which are awarded for Green Business Seal.

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