Eco-friendly Air-Conditioning System

Eco-friendly Air-Conditioning System Product details

Product by:
ALV Aircon

 ALV Aircon is actually promoting the use of R-410A refrigerant gas related products that use this type of gas for almost all of our clients. The reason is that this type of gas does not contribute to ozone depletion. Other than that, it has higher system efficiencies as compared to other gases. Therefore, with the reduction of energy consumption, the overall impact on the environment will be significantly lower than the use of e.g. R-22 air-conditioning system.

Concurrently, in our daily operations, we have limit and improve certain procedures such as the type of the chemicals used to clean the system so as to reduce the environmental impact.

These days, ALV Aircon constantly aims to improve its services, operations, products and even culture so as to improve the environment contribution to the Earth. Therefore, ALV Aircon will continue to play a part that help to attain an eco-friendly society and protect the Earth for the future generations.

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