Aero Laundry and Linen Sustainable Service

Aero Laundry and Linen Sustainable Service Product details

Aero Laundry and Linen Sustainable Service Product by:
Comfort Management Pte Ltd

Aero Laundry and Linen Sustainable Service is a wholly owned subsidiary of SATS, has concluded an Energy Saving Performance Contract to save 45% or $900K of its total energy cost annually.

The contract includes energy audit and implementing the savings measures at their cost and shares the benefits of savings.

Their 3 core sources of energy presented a distinctive opportunity to conserve. Being their first project in the laundry industry, they leave no stone unturned in ensuring this green service achieves its organization goals.

With their strength in reverse engineering, waste heat will be harnessed and its diesel consumption reduced that will lead to an annual savings of 45% of its total energy cost.

Both Aero Laundry and Linen Sustainable Service and Comfort are excited to witness this energy conservation program that will transform the energy intensive laundry industry to a lean and highly profitable business.

Both shares the same aim and direction and both are looking forward to lead changes in the industry.

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